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Anxiety Support

Anxiety Support

Anxiety Controlling Your Life?

If you’re struggling with anxiety, I don’t need to tell you how overwhelming it is. I want you to know that you are not alone.

For many, what started as normal stress and worry suddenly became all-consuming as it morphed into anxiety. I use the word “normal” here because fear, stress, and worry are part of our natural defense mechanisms. However, when our natural defense mechanism becomes intensified and exaggerated, we move from ‘normal’ stress into anxiety.

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Our Natural Defense

Long before the comforts and protection, we know today we lived in a world full of life-threatening dangers. Food was scarce and we most definitely weren’t at the top of the food chain. In those days there was just one goal. The goal of survival! Surprisingly, our brain and nervous systems are designed to do just that. To survive we had to be on alert while allowing the brain to make life and death decisions in milliseconds.

So, how does it work? When our brain perceived a threat it triggers the flight, fight, or freeze response. Which enables us to protect ourselves. When this response is triggered, the body releases stress hormones like cortisol. As such, we experience physiological changes like quickening heart rate, inability to think clearly, and a reduction of pain sensations. Allowing us to run faster, jump higher, and fight harder, allowing us to do what is necessary to survive.

Are you wondering why this matters?

Although today we no longer live in a world full of life-threatening danger. We do however live in a world full of perceived threats to our very survival. No, it may not be a large animal inviting us to dinner. It’s the unpaid bills in the mailbox, the bosses’ call, the ridicule of coworkers, and the thoughts in our heads. The mind perceives these as threats to our survival. As such our brain does what it is so brilliantly designed to do. It triggers the flight, flight, freeze response to enable you to survive.
As amazingly advanced as the brain is, it cannot decipher the difference between physical life-threatening danger and emotional danger. It treats all threats as if they were a tiger in the grass. Quickly triggering the need to fight it, run from it, or freeze until the danger has passed.
Imagine, if you will, how many different things in this world we are bombarded with daily. How many stressors are we forced to “survive”? How many times a day do we trigger the fight, flight, or freeze response? It’s no wonder we struggle with anxiety.

So what do we do?

Well, we can’t stop the bills from coming in, refuse our boss when he calls us into his office, or stop the world. So, does that mean we have no choice, but to suffer through this life? I don’t think it does. In spite of the way our minds are built, I think we just need to find different ways to deal with our stressors.

Through the use of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Energy Healing, you can release the intensity connected to your stressors. Including negative thinking and repeated thoughts. Also, you can clear past events that add to the present stress you’re under reducing the intensity of the anxiety.

To learn more please visit the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Energy Healing pages

I am being treated for anxiety, I am fine! Right?

Even if you’re being treated for Anxiety you may still struggle with negative thinking, high emotional intensity, repeated thoughts, and more. With the help of EFT and Energy Healing, you may find a reduction in the intensity of these feelings and thoughts.

EFT and Energy Healing should be used in conjunction with your medical treatment. In fact, they complement all medical treatments and can be safely used together.

EFT has been shown in scientific studies to decrease anxiety levels by 40% in a single session. In clinical trials tracking the ongoing use of EFT, 76% of participants experience complete remission from anxiety symptoms and 90% experienced improvement. 78% of these participants maintained their gains after 1 year. If you’d like to view the data please visit

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Sessions are available World-Wide via Zoom

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