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Trauma & PTSD


Just the word “trauma” feels volatile. It’s no wonder why we shy away from it when we can. No matter how hard we try running doesn’t change the fact that it’s left its mark on our lives.

If you are dealing with the effects of trauma, I want you to know you are not alone. There truly is hope. In fact, the bravest thing you can do is ask for help; being here is the first step. If, as you explore this page, you become overwhelmed with emotions, please use this video to help you regain control. The technique we’ll use is called the Emotional Freedom Technique. To be taken to this video now please click here.


Trauma Comes in All Shapes & Sizes

If I asked you the question “What is Trauma?” What may come to mind is living through a natural disaster, an accident, or a horrific event. And of course, you’d be right. But what if I told you that not all trauma comes from huge events? Would that shock you?

Although large trauma is easy to recognize; like an earthquake or a car accident, some trauma is harder to identify. Honestly, from the outside, it may not even appear to be trauma because it seems small and insignificant. Over time, even the person who experienced the trauma can consciously minimize the impact it’s had on them.

Yet trauma is never insignificant even when it does not present as large and easy to recognize. There are many forms of it including prolonged past traumatic experiences, ongoing, one-off, and even perceived trauma, to name a few. The one that may surprise you as it did me, is perceived trauma. This is a moment or event where we perceive a threat or danger to ourselves or others. In this instance, we do not experience trauma we only perceive it. With trauma like this, it seems pretty easy to minimize it, yet it is just as impactful as physical trauma.

Reason and Understanding

When we experience trauma we store the memories, emotions, and energy of the event from the perspective of the age we are at the time. This is important to remember because when our mind recalls these memories later, we will reexperience them from that age.

Let me share an example. Today if I were to look back at a moment from when I was 5, I’m doing so from a 45-year-old woman’s vantage point. At 45 I understand that the children who caused me pain were simply lashing out because they were hurting. When I recall the words they said, I scoff, because today I know they are just words. My 45-year-old self can offer understanding and even sympathy as I look back at this traumatic moment in my life. I am wondering why I was so upset back then, seriously they were just being kids.

However, when my subconscious mind recalls this moment as I am experiencing hurt feelings in the present, I am forced to relive the trauma. I am flooded by the emotions and energies I felt at age 5. It doesn’t matter that I am 45, my 5-year-old emotions bubble to the surface. Unfortunately, reason and understanding are not part of the package.

We find ourselves confused

Have you ever had someone share a childhood event with you that caused them great pain? Were you trying to figure out why they were so upset? Well, we are looking at the experience without any of the emotion or energy the child felt at that moment. Apart from this, it happened so long ago, and our mature brains offer up reason and understanding. So, we are quick to brush it off as “no big deal”. Further adding to the pain, the trauma has left behind for the person sharing.

Sometimes even the person sharing their story has this same reaction. Have you been witness to someone sharing a story who became emotional or upset? Maybe it’s even happened to you.  Most of the time we hear them say things like “I don’t even know why I am so emotional”, “it happened so long ago” or “I know she didn’t mean it that way, so why am I so upset about it?”

When we find ourselves flooded by the emotion and energy of the past, we feel it just as strongly as we did when it happened.

We Don’t Have to Live in the Shadows of Trauma

When we experience trauma, it leaves its mark, and we carry these traumas as we journey through life. These traumatic experiences in our past then dictate our actions and reactions in the present. But we don’t have to live in the shadow of our trauma. Using Emotional Freedom Technique and Energy Healing you can process and release the emotional and energetic ties to the trauma.

As we work together you begin to free yourself and you will be equipped with tools you can use daily and when you’re triggered.

If you are ready to take back control of your life schedule a session or a free discovery call by visiting:

PTSD begins with traumatic events

However, unlike trauma which happens in a moment in time, PTSD is experienced over and over through flashbacks and the reliving of the event. Although PTSD begins with experiencing trauma, not all traumatic events lead to PTSD.  Some of the common symptoms of PTSD are:

  • Intrusive memories of bad events
  • Hypervigilance
  • Insomnia and nightmares
  • Flashbacks
  • Dysfunctional beliefs
  • Reliving bad events
  • Avoiding people or situations that are triggers
  • Loss of trust in other people and the world
  • Emotional numbing
  • Heightened startle response

Clinical trials have shown that Emotional Freedom Technique can eliminate the symptoms of PTSD. For more information, please click here: and


Tapping for Overwhelmed Feelings

If while you’re exploring this trauma page, you feel overwhelmed by emotions, this video is for you! We will use Emotional Freedom Technique to help reduce that feeling and relax the body.

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